Wednesday 13 July 2011

Perform Salah Correctly (Namaz)

Salah  is a pillar of  Din.  Doing it just right in  accordance with  Sunnah  is the 
responsibility of  every Muslim. Unfortunately, we go about  performing the 
cardinal dictates of Salah in a carefree manner following our whims, hardly caring 
to see that those dictates have to be carried out in the manner they were passed on to 
us by the Holy Prophet . This is why most of our Salah offerings remain deprived of 
the gleams and  blessings of  Sunnah,  although, following these  dictates just right 
hardly takes any more time or labour. What is needed is a touch of concern. If we give a 
little time and some attention, learn the correct method and make a habit of it, then 
the time that we spend in making our Salah today would remain the same yet the 
Salah thus performed would have the advantage of having been made in accordance 
with Sunnah and its rewards and merits and its gleams and blessings would be much 
more than what you experienced earlier.

The revered Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all, took great care 
while  performing each single unit of the act  of Salah,  and while doing so, they 
continued learning about the Sunnah of the Prophet from each other.
With this need in view, this humble writer had  explained to a gathering the 
Sunnah method of Salah as mentioned by the Hanafi jurists and had pointed out to 
incorrect practices which seem to  have gained currency. By the grace of Allah, the 
listeners found it very beneficial. Some friends  wished to make this discourse 
available as a printed brochure so that a much larger number of people would be able 
to use it to their advantage.  So, in this brief write-up, the objective is to explain  the 
masnun method of Salah and the step-by-step way of putting it into practice with due 
etiquette. May Allah Almighty make it beneficial for all of us and give us the taufiq to 
follow it. Amin.
By the grace of Allah, there are a large number  of books, big and small, dealing 
with the percepts  of  Salah.  Hence, presenting a comprehensive  account of  Salah 
problems and rulings is not the  objective here, instead, the immediate concern is  to 
relate a few important points which would help synchronize the form of Salah with the 
demands of  Sunnah.  Another aim is to sound a note of warning against 
mistakes and shortcomings that  seem  to have gained a lot of currency 
these days.
Acting in accordance with the brief words of  advice given here will, 
Inshallah, help make our Salah  fall in line with  Sunnah,  at least in it's 
outward appearance when a Muslim could humbly submit before his Lord:
رتے  وبحمب یك   يرب ابشتہ ےلےكآ ي   وہں

ح ے ، ںیم وصرت ےل ےكآ يوہں
Lord, here I am,
bearing similarity to Your beloved, though in form only,
yet hoping —
You shall make it real.
وما توفيقي إال باهلل عليه  توكلت وإليه أنيب
And what  I get to do is by the help and support of Allah, in Him I 
place my trust and towards Him I turn possionately.
Muhammad Taqi UsmaniBefore you begin the Salah:
Check the following and be sure that you are doing things the way they should be 
1. It is necessary that you face the Qiblah.
2.You should stand upright and your eyes should be focused on the spot where 
you make  your Sajdah. Bending your neck and resting your  chin on the chest is 
makruh  (reprehensible).  Similarly, standing in  Salah  while your chest is  bent 
down is also not correct. Stand upright in a way that your eyes keep looking at the 
spot where you make your Sajdah.
3. Note that the direction of the toes is towards the Qiblah and that your feet also 
have the same straight stance facing Qiblah. (Placing feet tilting to the right or left 
is contrary to Sunnah). Both feet should be in the direction of the Qiblah.
Correct Method         Incorrect Method
4. In between both feet, there should be a  minimum span of four fingers of 
the hands as ready measure.
5. If you are making your Salah with Jama'ah (congregation), make sure the 
line you are standing in is straight. The best method to make sure that the line is 
straight is that each person  positions the farthest end of both his heels at the
farthest end of the prayer-rug or at lines that mark out one rug from the other.
6.While in Jama'ah,   satisfy yourself by making certain that your arms are 
close to the arms of those who are  standing on your right and left and that there is no 
gap in between. However in filling such gaps one should not stand so  close to the 
adjacent persons that it becomes difficult to stand comfortably.
7. If the line in front of one has been filled then a new line should be commenced from the 
centre, and not from the left or right corner. Those joining the line subsequently should also 
take care that the line remains uniform on both sides (of the centre).
8. It is impermissible, under all conditions, to let the lower portion of your dress 
cover your  ankles. It is obvious that its repugnance while  standing for  Salah  
increases  much more. Therefore, be sure that the dress you are wearing is higher than your ankles. Sleeves should be full, covering the whole arm. Only hands remain 
uncovered. Some people make their Salah with sleeves rolled up. This method is not 
correct. It is makruh  to  stand for Salah while wearing clothes which one would 
not normally wear in public.
When you begin the salah:
1. Make  niyyah  or intention in your heart to the effect that you are offering 
such and such Salah. It is not necessary to say the words of the niyyah verbally.
2. Raise your hands up to your ears in a way that palms face Qiblah and the ends 
of the thumbs either touch the lobes of the ears or come parallel to them. The rest of 
the fingers stay straight  pointing upwards. There are some who would tend  to turn 
the direction of their palms towards their ears rather than having them face the 
There are some others who almost cover their ears with their hands.
There are still others who would make a faint symbolic gesture without raising 
their hands fully up to the ears.
Some others grip the lobes of their ears with their hands.
All these practices are incorrect and contrary  to  Sunnah.  These should be 
3. While raising your hands in the manner  stated above, say:  اكبر هللا :  AllahuAkbar. Then, using the thumb and the little finger of your right hand, make a circle 
round the wrist of your left hand and hold it. You should then spread out the  three 
remaining fingers of your right hand on the back of your left hand so that these 
three fingers face the elbow.
4. Placing both hands slightly below the navel, fold them as explained above.
When you are standing:
1. If you are making your Salah alone, or leading it as Imam, you first recite 
Thana'  اللهر سربانوك     then   Surah al-Fatihah,   then   some other Surah. If you are 
behind an Imam, you only recite Thana' اللهر سبانوك and then stand silent listening 
attentively to the recitation of the Imam.  If the Imam's recitation is not loud, you 
should be thinking of Surah  al-Fatihah using your heart and mind without 
moving your tongue.
2.  It is necessary for the validity of recitation in Salah that such recitation be 
undertaken by moving the lips and tongue. In fact, recitation should be undertaken in 
such a manner that the reciter is able to hear it. Some people recite without moving their 
lips and tongue. This method is not correct. Similarly, some people merely imagine the 
recited words. The Salah is not fulfilled in this situation as well.
3. When you are reciting yourself, it is better that you, while reciting Surah alFatihah, stop at every verse and break your breath. Recite the next verse with fresh 
breath. Do not recite more than one verse in a single breath. For example, break your 
 Recite the whole . منلرك ور ا الر وه  then on الر  مه الر     then on الامر    ب  الارنلم ه breath at
Surah al-Fatihah in this manner. But, there is no harm if, during recitation that 
follows, more than one verse has been recited in a single breath.
4.  Do not move any part of your body without the need. Stand in peace  - the 
more, the better. If you have to scratch or do something else like that, use only one 
hand and that too, under very serious compulsion using the least time and effort.
5. Transferring all the weight of  the body on to one leg and leaving the other 
weightlessly loose to the limit that it shows a certain bend is against the etiquette of Salah. Abstain from it. Either you transfer your body weight equally on both legs 
or if you must channel your body weight on one leg, you have to do it in a way that 
the other leg shows no bend or curve.
6. If you feel like yawning, try your best to stop it.
7. If one needs to burp, then one should gather his breath within the mouth and 
then release it inaudibly and slowly. It is against the etiquette of Salah to burp loudly.
8.  When standing for  Salat,  keep your eyes  looking at the spot where you 
make your Sajdah. Abstain from looking to your right and left, or front.
When in Ruku':
When you bend for Ruku', watch out for the following: 
1.Bend the upper part of your body up to a  point where the neck and back 
nearly level up. Do not bend any more or less than that.
2.While in  Ruku',  do not bend the neck to the  limit that the chin starts 
touching the chest, nor  raise it so high  that the neck goes higher than the  waist 
level. Instead, the neck and the waist should be in one level.
3. Keep the feet upright in Ruku’. They should not be bent.
4.Place both hands on your knees in a way that fingers on both hands stay 
open. In other words, there should be space between every two fingers when you 
thus go on to hold the right knee with your right hand and the left knee with your
left hand.
5.In the state of Ruku', wrists and arms should remain stretched straight. 
They should not bend, curve or sag.
6.Stay in Ruku', at least for a time during which   الاظ ببي سبانن could be said 
three times calmly and comfortably.
7.In the state of Ruku', the eyes should be looking towards the feet.
8.Body weight should be evenly distributed on both feet and both knees should 
be parallel to each other.
Returning to the standing position from Ruku'
1. While returning from  Ruku' back to the standing position, see that you 
stand straight leaving no sag or droop in the body.
2.In this position as well, eyes should be fixed on the spot where you do your 
3.There are those who simply make a 'gesture' of rising from the Ruku'  instead 
of rising fully and standing upright when it is time to do so and who,  in that very 
state, when their body is still bent downwards, go on to do their Sajdah - for them 
it becomes obligatory that they make their Salah all over again. Therefore, abstain 
from it very firmly.
4.Unless you make sure about having become  perfectly straight in your 
standing position, do not go for Sajdah.
When bowing down for Sajdah:
Remember the following method when bowing down for Sajdah:
1.Bending the knees first of all, take them  towards the prayer floor in a way 
that the chest does not lean forward. When the knees have already been rested on 
the floor, the chest should then be lowered down.2.Until such time that the knees have come to rest against the floor, abstain, as 
far as possible,  from bending or lowering the upper part of the  body. These days 
negligence in observing this particular rule of etiquette while getting ready to go 
for  Sajdah  has become very common. Many  people would lower down their chest 
right from the start and go on to do their Sajdah. But, the correct method is what 
has been stated in #1 and #2  above. Unless it be for a valid reason, this method 
should not be bypassed.
3. After having rested your knees on the floor, place your hands first, then the 
tip of the nose, then the forehead.
In Sajdah
1.While in Sajdah, keep your head in between your two hands in a way that the 
ends of the two thumbs come parallel to the ear-lobes.
2. In Sajdah,  fingers on both hands should  remain close together, that is, the 
fingers should be adjacent to each other leaving no space in between them.
3.The direction of the fingers should be towards the Qiblah.
4. The elbows should stay raised off the floor. It is not correct to rest the elbows on 
the floor.
5. Both arms should stay apart from armpits and sides. Never keep them tucked 
6. Do not, at the same time, poke your elbows far out to your right and left 
causing discomfort to those making Salah next to you.
7. The thighs should not come in contact with the stomach-wall. The stomach 
and the thighs should stay apart.
8. During the entire Sajdah, the nose-tip should continue to rest on the floor.
9. Both feet should be placed upright on the floor with heels showing on top 
and all fingers turned flat on the floor in the direction of the Qiblah. Those who 
cannot turn all their fingers because of the physical formation of their feet, they 
will still do well to turn them as much as they can. It is not correct to place the 
fingers vertically on the floor just for no valid reason.
10.Be careful that your feet do not lift off the floor during Sajdah. Some people 
would do their Sajdah while none of the fingers on their feet come to rest on the 
floor even for a moment. This way the obligation of  Sajdah  is not liquidated at 
all, and as a result, the Salah too becomes invalid. Be very particular in abstaining 
from this error.
11.In the state of  Sajdah,  the least time you can give yourself should be 
sufficient enough to say االعلي ببي سبانن three times, calmly and comfortably. Raising 
the forehead immediately after having rested it on the floor is prohibited.
In between the two Sajdahs
1.Rising from the first  Sajdah,  sit up straight, on the hams, calmly and 
comfortably. Then go for the second Sajdah. Doing the second Sajdah after raising 
the head just a little bit and without becoming straight is a sin. If one does it 
like that, it becomes obligatory that the Salah be made all over again.
2.Spread out the left foot (like the blade of a hockey stick) and sit on it. Let the 
right foot stand vertically with fingers turned towards the Qiblah. Some people let 
both feet remain in upright position and sit on the heels. This method is not
3.While sitting, both hands should be placed on the thighs but fingers should not taper down onto the knees, instead, the far ends of the finger tips should reach 
only as far as the beginning edge of the knee.
4.While sitting, let your eyes be on the lap.
5.Sit for a time during which هللا سربانن could be said at least once and if you can 
sit for a time during which:
اللهن اغفر لي وارحوني واسترني واجبر ني واهدني وارزقني
could be recited, it is better. But,  you don’t need to recite this during Fard 
(obligatory) Salah is not necessary. It is better to do so in nafl salah.
The second Sajdah and rising from it:
1.Go on to do your second  Sajdah  in the same manner by first placing both 
hands on the floor, then the nose-tip, then the forehead.
2.The complete form of Sajdah should be the same as mentioned in connection 
with the first Sajdah.
3.When rising from  Sajdah,  first raise the  forehead off the floor, then the 
nose-tip, then the hands, and then the knees.
4.While rising, it is better not to lean for  support off the floor, however, 
should it be difficult  to get up from the floor because of body-weight,
sickness or old age, making use of the floor for support is also permissible.
5. After you have risen back to your standing position, recite     الر مه  الر هللا  بسر
before Surah al-Fatihah in the begining of each raka'ah.
In Qa'dah:
1. The method of sitting in  Qa'dah  shall be the same as mentioned in 
connection with the method of sitting between Sajdahs.
2.When you reach االهللا الالرا ان  اشره while reciting  رن التا raise the shahadah 
finger (the fore-finger or the index finger) with a pointing motion and let 
it fall back at هللا إال.
3.The method of making a pointing motion is that you make a circle 
by joining your middle finger and the thumb, close the little finger and 
the ring-finger (the one next to it), then raise the shahadah finger in a 
way that it is tapered towards the Qiblah. It should not be raised up 
straight in the direction of the sky.
4.However, lower the shahadah finger while saying هللا اال , but retain, 
right through the end, the  initial formation of the rest of the fingers 
you already had when making the pointing motion.
When turning for Salam:
1.When turning for Salam on both sides, you should turn your neck  to the 
extent that your cheeks become visible to the person sitting behind you.
2.When turning for Salam, eyes should be towards the shoulders.
3.  When turning your neck to the right to say ه ورحولت عللكمن السلام, make an 
intention that you are offering your Salam greetings to all human beings and angels 
on your right. Similarly, while turning  for Salam  to the left, have the intention of 
offering  your  Salam  greetings to all human beings and  angels present on your 
The method of Du'a
1.The method of Du'a  is that both hands be  raised high enough so that they come in front of  the chest. Let there be some space between the  two 
hands. Do not bring the hands close together nor keep them far apart.
2.When making  Du'a,  keep the inner side of  the hands turned towards 
your face.
The method of Salah described earlier is for men. The Salah as offered by 
women differs from  that of men in the following aspects. Women  should be 
careful about what is required of them:
1. Before they begin their  Salah,  women  should make sure that their 
whole body, except the face, the hands and the feet, is covered with clothes.
Some women offer their  Salah  with the hair on  their head remaining 
Some have their wrists left uncovered.
Some women use scarfs so thin or small that their hair tresses are visible 
dangling down underneath. If, during the Salah, any part of the body, even if 
it be equal to one-fourth, remains  uncovered for a time during which one 
could say   الاظر ببري سربانن (Subhana Rabbi-al-'Azim)  three  times, the Salah 
itself would not be valid.  However, should the uncovered portion be less 
than that, Salah would take place but the sin shall stay.
2.For women, making  Salah  in the room is  better than doing it in the 
verandah and doing it in the verandah is better than doing it in the courtyard.
3.While starting the Salah, women should not  raise their hands up to their 
ears, instead, they  should raise them up to their shoulders, and that  too, from 
within the scarf or other outer wrap being used.
Hands should not be taken out of this cover. (Bahishti Zewar)
4. When women fold their hands on the chest, they should simply place the 
palm of their right hand on the back of the left forehand. They should not fold their 
hands on the navel like men.
5. I n  Ruku',  women are not required to straighten their backs fully like 
men. Women should bend less as compared to men. (AI-Tahtawi 'alal-Maraqi, p. 141)
6.In the position of Ruku', men should open up their fingers while placing them 
on the knees, but women are required that they place their hands on the knees with 
fingers close together, that is, there be no space between fingers. (al-Durr al-Mukhtar)
7.Women should not stand on legs absolutely straight in Ruku’, instead, they 
should stand with knees slightly bent forward. (al-Durr al-Mukhtar)
8. In Ruku', men are required to keep their  arms stretched, away from the 
sides. But, women  should stand with their arms close to their sides. (al-Durr alMukhtar)
9. Women should stand with both feet close  together. Specially, both their 
ankles should just about be joined together. Let there be no separating distance 
between legs. (Bahishti Zewar)
10.While doing Sajdah, the method prescribed for men is that they should not 
lower their chest until such time that their knees come to rest on  the floor. But 
this method is not for women. They can, right from the start, lower their chest and 
go for Sajdah.
11.Women should do their Sajdah in a manner that the stomach-wall comes to rest against the thighs and the arms stay close to the sides. In addition to that, 
women do not have to position  their feet upright, instead, they should spread 
them on the floor sliding them out towards the right.
12.Men are prohibited to place their elbows on  the floor while making  Salah. 
But, women should place the whole arm, including the elbows, on the  floor. (al-Durr 
13.When sitting between Sajdahs and when reciting  رن التا (at-Tahiyyaat), sit on 
the left hip, slide both feet out to the right side and let the left foot rest on the right 
calf of the leg. (at-Tahtawi)
14.Men are required that they be careful about keeping their fingers open when 
bending for Ruku', and keeping them close together when in Sajdah, and then, leave 
them as they are during the rest of the Salah, when they make no effort  either to 
close or open them. But, it is required of women, under all conditions, that they 
keep  fingers close together, that is, leave no space  between them. This is required 
all along in Ruku', in Sajdah, between two Sajdahs and in the Qa'dahs.
15.It is makruh  (reprehensible) for women to  make a  Jama'ah  (congregation). 
The very act of  offering their  Salah  alone is better for them.  However, should 
mahram-members of the family  be making their  Salah  with  Jama'ah  within the 
house, there is no harm if they join in with them in the Jama'ah. But, in a situation 
like this, it is necessary that they stand behind men. They should never stand next 
to them in the same row.
Some essential rules of conduct
1. While entering the Masjid, recite the following Du 'a: 
بسن ه والصاة والسام على رسىل ه اللهن افتح لي أبىاب رحوتك
(I enter with the name of Allah and  with the prayer that Allah bless His 
Messenger and bestow peace upon him.  O Allah, open for me the doors of Thy 
2. Immediately on entering the Masjid, make an intention that 'I shall be in I'tikaf 
for whatever  time I stay in the Masjid'. By doing so,  Insha'- Allah  the spiritual 
reward of I'tikaf can also be hoped for.
3. Following entry into the Masjid, it is better to sit in the front row. But, in case 
space in the  front has already been taken up, sit wherever you  find an opening. 
Advancing forward by leap-frogging people's necks is not permissible.
4.Salam greeting should not be offered to those already sitting in the Masjid 
and busy in Dhikr or recitation of the Qur'an. However, should one of them be not so 
engaged and looking at you on his own, there is no harm in offering such
Salam greeting to him.
5. If you have to offer Sunnah  or Nafl Salah  in the Masjid, select a spot where 
there is the least likelihood of people crossing in front of you. Some people start up their 
Salah in the back rows while ample space remains open in the front. Because of this act 
of theirs, it becomes difficult for others to cross over  and they have to make a long 
detour to reach open sitting spots. Offering Salah in this manner is a sin in itself, 
and should a person happen to cross in front of the person making his Salah, then 
this sin of his crossing over in that manner will also rest on the shoulders of the
person making such a Salah.
6.After entering the Masjid, if you find that you are there a little ahead of the 
Salah  timing, then, before you sit down, make two  raka'ahs  with the intention of Tahiyyah al-Masjid.  This has great merit.  If there is not time for that, you can
combine the intention of Tahiyyah al-Masjid within the Sunnah Salah. And if, you do 
not have the time even to make your Sunnah Salah and the Jama'ah is ready, this 
intention could also be combined with that of the Fard Salah.
7. As long as you sit in the Masjid, keep doing Dhikr. Specially, keep reciting the 
سبحان هللا والحمد هلل وال إله إال هللا وهللا أكبر :following Kalimah devotedly
Sanctified is Allah and for Allah is all praise and there is no god but Allah and Allah is 
8. Do not engage yourself in unnecessary conversation while sitting in the 
Masjid and do nothing else that may disturb those devoting to their 'Ibadah of Salah 
or Dhikr.
9. If the Jama'ah is ready, fill in the front rows first. If space is open in the front 
rows, it is not permissible to stand in the back row.
10. From the time when the Imam takes his place on the Mimbar to deliver 
the Friday Khutbah  right through the end of the  Salah,  it is not permissible for 
anyone to talk, make Salah or to offer Salam to anyone or to answer Salam offered. 
However, should anyone start talking during this time, it  is  also not  permissible 
that he be asked to keep quiet.
11.Sit during the  Khutbah  as you sit in  Qa'dah when reciting at-Tahiyyat. 
Some people sit hand folded during the first part of the  Khutbah  and then place 
their hands on the thighs during the second. This method is baseless. One should 
sit with hands on the thighs during both.
12.Abstain from everything that may spread filth or smell in the Masjid or 
cause pain to any one.
13.When you see anyone doing something wrong, ask him not to do so, 
quietly and softly. Totally avoid insulting him openly, or rebuking him, or 
quarrelling with him.
14. One should leave the masjid by taking out the left foot first and reciting the 
following dua:
"بسن ه والصاة والسام علی رسىل ه اللهن إنّی أسألك هن فضلك۔"
(I  leave with the name of Allah and with the prayer that Allah bless His Messenger and 
bestow peace upon him. O Allah, I ask You of Your bounty.)

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